If it wasn't for the sufferings Siddhartha saw, Budhha would not have happened!
If Gandhi wasn't thrown out of the train, Mahatma would not have happened!
If Sachin was scared of criticism and had stopped playing, a Legend would not have happened!
World may not always be fair...Some bad people may exist around……but don't protect me too much Dad,
I might have to fall sometimes, to rise for a better cause...
I might have to fight some elements, to win over at the end...
I might have to face some turbulence to find my world of peace...
for that to happen I have to enter the ground, because I desire to win...
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
I feel less burdened when I don't think of who should talk first...
I feel less burdened when I just work and don't care about the credit...
I feel less burdened when I think that everyone's intention is good...
I feel less burdened when I just work and don't care about the credit...
I feel less burdened when I think that everyone's intention is good...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Infinite waiting...
Throughout our life knowingly or unknowingly, we keep waiting for the right moment to come, sometimes it comes but sometimes it just doesn't !!
One moment of victory in world cup and everyone forgets who is who…. Then a moment of celebration begins, people hug each other, they clap, they dance, they scream…
Wait for an earthquake or bomb blast, we see flesh around us and then realize we shouldn’t fight but love….
Wait!!! Wait until my career settles down and then I will find some time for love…..
Wait for a holiday to call a friend, wait for the day when old parents are unwell and then go talk to them !!
wait for promotion to talk with your hostile team mate....Wait for a good mood for a smile to come on your face…..
Wait for death to come and then start realizing what life is…
Why wait for a moment to realize we are all the same, made to help each other!!
One moment of victory in world cup and everyone forgets who is who…. Then a moment of celebration begins, people hug each other, they clap, they dance, they scream…
Wait for an earthquake or bomb blast, we see flesh around us and then realize we shouldn’t fight but love….
Wait!!! Wait until my career settles down and then I will find some time for love…..
Wait for a holiday to call a friend, wait for the day when old parents are unwell and then go talk to them !!
wait for promotion to talk with your hostile team mate....Wait for a good mood for a smile to come on your face…..
Wait for death to come and then start realizing what life is…
Why wait for a moment to realize we are all the same, made to help each other!!
Truth is not always comforting in fact truth makes you feel uncomfortable most of the times...Swami Vivekananda
I got this message from dad, and that leaves me with a question, whether shall we be truthful or we shouldn't..Today I am standing at a point where if I say truth I will be hurting someone, there is another way of saying things but that isn't the truth and that will leave the person brokenhearted...which path do I chose?
I got this message from dad, and that leaves me with a question, whether shall we be truthful or we shouldn't..Today I am standing at a point where if I say truth I will be hurting someone, there is another way of saying things but that isn't the truth and that will leave the person brokenhearted...which path do I chose?
Monday, March 8, 2010
Free thought, without a proper thought process; recipe for self destruction...wow Rachita, I dint really realized the power of these words at the moment I read them but I do now !!
I wanted to put this caption on fb, but dint "Hello, you are given one tiny organ in your head, use it!!!" Really how much of it do we really use..how much of it is worth using...if its not worth then why do we have it... and why am I thinking of these questions now...most importantly because I am not happy with the kind of work I am doing..If I am not happy with it, why am I doing it..for money..awe why am I doing this..
Really don't want to come out as a negative thinker, need to find out new paths new directions.....hey hey hey...I realized something, I am coming out with stuff like that, because I am not really thinking before writing it..My hands are hitting some keys but I really doubt if they are synchronized with my mind..
ok, lets write something meaningful....haha..is anyone here to write meaningful stuff..back off back off sheetal,riding the same road again...
so dint want to make this blog personnel but doesn't sound bad to me if I write about my thoughts on the things going on and I must if I can make it a habit....
You dream of certain things, certain type of life for yourself….. and then you fall for people who have it ! Thoughtless desperation does not take you anywhere, if you dream of something. Understand why you want it, and if getting that thing will make you feel really good, then generate that capacity in yourself to accept it. It will automatically come to you, and then you will never hate yourself that you fell for someone who never had time to realize how much importance he held in your life !
Its amazing how a tiny organ in our head can create such huge world !!!
I wanted to put this caption on fb, but dint "Hello, you are given one tiny organ in your head, use it!!!" Really how much of it do we really use..how much of it is worth using...if its not worth then why do we have it... and why am I thinking of these questions now...most importantly because I am not happy with the kind of work I am doing..If I am not happy with it, why am I doing it..for money..awe why am I doing this..
Really don't want to come out as a negative thinker, need to find out new paths new directions.....hey hey hey...I realized something, I am coming out with stuff like that, because I am not really thinking before writing it..My hands are hitting some keys but I really doubt if they are synchronized with my mind..
ok, lets write something meaningful....haha..is anyone here to write meaningful stuff..back off back off sheetal,riding the same road again...
so dint want to make this blog personnel but doesn't sound bad to me if I write about my thoughts on the things going on and I must if I can make it a habit....
You dream of certain things, certain type of life for yourself….. and then you fall for people who have it ! Thoughtless desperation does not take you anywhere, if you dream of something. Understand why you want it, and if getting that thing will make you feel really good, then generate that capacity in yourself to accept it. It will automatically come to you, and then you will never hate yourself that you fell for someone who never had time to realize how much importance he held in your life !
Its amazing how a tiny organ in our head can create such huge world !!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Gift of womanhood..(Entry under catagory of Relationship Issues)

Whatever you give a woman, she makes it greater. Give her sperm, she will give you a baby.Give her a house, she will give you a home.Give her groceries, she will give you a meal. Give her a smile and she will give you her heart.She multiplies and enlarges what she is given...Heard these lines from one of my friends and I couldn't have had a better start than this.
I was wondering which woman should I start this post with, shall I start with some of the most influential women in the world or the women who suffer a lot and do not have opportunities..and suddenly a thought came to my mind..what would have happened if Taliban was operated by women, I wonder if it had even existed....A community run by women where men are not allowed to do anything without their support..where men would be beaten up or even be killed if they don't follow their women....and women will make passes on men..women would rape men to satisfy their lust....eweew can't think of anything more bizarre than this.
I am trying to remember all the women who made impressions on me right from my childhood, the kind of impressions that enter in your mind once and last for lifetime. When I think more I realize that those impressions are not made by the physical appearance those women had nor because of the money they earned but because of their capability of loving others in spite knowing their faults, they were beautiful because of their power of tolerance.
Let me start with my primary teacher, we called her Aaji.She ran a school for kids. The school which was more like a home.She came to receive us everyday and actually held any of us in her hands. If we answer correctly, we received chocolates and a kiss.She was one woman who resolved many family problems in our town.
Years later when she died, I came to know that her husband had abandoned her for some other woman, and her son whom she educated in all hardships, left her for his wife. I don't remember a single day when she complained about any of her problems to us, not even a day when she was sad. The only thing she taught us was the joy of giving and being happy.
She donated her body to a medical college, not because she knew there is no one to do her funeral but because she had understood life is lot more than complaining over people.
Next story I can think of is my neighbor, her husband is a doctor and they have a kid of 5 years old.Recently her husband's brother had moved in their apartment, he fell sick quiet often. One day they tested him for HIV and it came positive. Everyone was taken aback, and suddenly she started observing change in her husband's behavior. He stopped sleeping with her and started being aloof for no reason. And one day he brought an injection and took her blood sample.
The injection was for testing if she is carrying HIV virus, that was the moment she understood that he was suspecting her. She left him, stayed at her parent's for two months. He did not call, instead her parents convinced her to go back. And now they are together.
For both the families it is a happy ending, nobody asked, what it is for her.
Sometimes its a soldier's wife who doesn't go to the battlefield yet has a battle of uncertainty everyday. The soldier dies fighting enemy, but she has a battle of life to fight.Sometimes its an ordinary mother who quits her job for the future of her kids.
I have known many women handling different roles in different relationships. Some strong, some weak.Some who compromise over situation, some who fight for their individuality. When I think of all of them, the only thing that differentiates between strong and weak is their power of making decisions and conviction to follow them.
I know many women who complain, because they are not liked enough by others, they feel its because they are not beautiful. They end up compromising their values to spend some time with a man, and are left at alter once the night is over.
Why let some men or society always make decisions for you, why not ask your self what it wants. Lets not murder our self esteem in the name of compromise, also lets not deny our capability of making love happen. Be strong, be yourself. Be the woman who realizes that her beauty lies beyond her physical appearance. Who loves passionately but is also capable of breaking bonds when is taken for granted.
We are blessed to have this gift, the gift of womanhood !!!
I would like to tag three of my friends
Bharti: http://pagesfromotherside.blogspot.com/
Rachita: http://www.way2rachita.blogspot.com
Jitendra: http://life-through-a-prism.blogspot.com/
Monday, February 15, 2010
its 4 in the morning and I am sitting here writing this post......what is the magic of positive thoughts..
negative thought says stop !!! u cant do it, and positive says yes go ahead u can do anything !!! Did that sound different?
Now next scenario, you are in a meeting and want to answer a question or suggest your opinion, negative thought says, no you shouldn't there are so many people no one is talking why should you do that alone? and look at what a positive thought has to say, it says "why not!! lets try, you are not called here only for listening. at least try and you only have to start once everyone will follow later..."
the point is what is more powerful..what feels better..negative thought is the one which pulls you down and positive thought makes you stand high in all the problems....
I have started identifying my thoughts, I carefully look at my thoughts and the sentences I speak and try to find where I use "don't", "cant", "no"
I don't know when this course will end but I am sure I will be a better person to talk with, at the end of it...
First I start with identifying which is a negative thought, knowingly or unknowingly we have hundreds of negative thoughts and very few positive ones...getting habituated to positive thinking is a tough thing...specially when things are not going right....hey hey hey...wait a minute, am I being negative while talking about the significance of positive thoughts...better sentence would be "you only have to teach your mind to think in a right way, everything else will follow..."
Every time you see yourself going down or you are feeling sad about something..believe me somewhere in your mind you have nurtured one negative thought.
Like my mom complains about my aunt and becomes sad quiet often...is it my aunt who is really bad or its my mom who takes it too seriously...
she has some thoughts like, aunt never looks after us...and blah blah blah....
lets analyze and classify her thoughts here,
1. complaining over the situation
2. being unhappy about the behavior of someone else
Now lets put some positive thoughts into picture
what if my mom says, "Its okay if she doesn't look after my kids, I have many other relatives and friends who pamper them"
but the moment she start thinking about some more negative stuff, like she must be jealous of me and my kids and etc etc..it will take her in nothing else than a trap..a trap of more and more negative thoughts...and once u get in it, it is difficult to get out of it.
that's where it makes all difference, you give place to one negative thought in your mind and let it breed...it brings other 10 negative thoughts and pull you down...whereas if you bring one positive thought, just a word "I can" or "its okay everything is fine as long as you think it is...." they start making you feel better..
and today is the only best time to start doing it...analyze your thoughts..think of where they can possibly take you..and find one positive thought not to fight with the negative one but to forget it and to move on...coz life is about moving ahead always...and never looking back !!!
negative thought says stop !!! u cant do it, and positive says yes go ahead u can do anything !!! Did that sound different?
Now next scenario, you are in a meeting and want to answer a question or suggest your opinion, negative thought says, no you shouldn't there are so many people no one is talking why should you do that alone? and look at what a positive thought has to say, it says "why not!! lets try, you are not called here only for listening. at least try and you only have to start once everyone will follow later..."
the point is what is more powerful..what feels better..negative thought is the one which pulls you down and positive thought makes you stand high in all the problems....
I have started identifying my thoughts, I carefully look at my thoughts and the sentences I speak and try to find where I use "don't", "cant", "no"
I don't know when this course will end but I am sure I will be a better person to talk with, at the end of it...
First I start with identifying which is a negative thought, knowingly or unknowingly we have hundreds of negative thoughts and very few positive ones...getting habituated to positive thinking is a tough thing...specially when things are not going right....hey hey hey...wait a minute, am I being negative while talking about the significance of positive thoughts...better sentence would be "you only have to teach your mind to think in a right way, everything else will follow..."
Every time you see yourself going down or you are feeling sad about something..believe me somewhere in your mind you have nurtured one negative thought.
Like my mom complains about my aunt and becomes sad quiet often...is it my aunt who is really bad or its my mom who takes it too seriously...
she has some thoughts like, aunt never looks after us...and blah blah blah....
lets analyze and classify her thoughts here,
1. complaining over the situation
2. being unhappy about the behavior of someone else
Now lets put some positive thoughts into picture
what if my mom says, "Its okay if she doesn't look after my kids, I have many other relatives and friends who pamper them"
but the moment she start thinking about some more negative stuff, like she must be jealous of me and my kids and etc etc..it will take her in nothing else than a trap..a trap of more and more negative thoughts...and once u get in it, it is difficult to get out of it.
that's where it makes all difference, you give place to one negative thought in your mind and let it breed...it brings other 10 negative thoughts and pull you down...whereas if you bring one positive thought, just a word "I can" or "its okay everything is fine as long as you think it is...." they start making you feel better..
and today is the only best time to start doing it...analyze your thoughts..think of where they can possibly take you..and find one positive thought not to fight with the negative one but to forget it and to move on...coz life is about moving ahead always...and never looking back !!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Feel Good...
Met one friend today after many days, naturally I asked.
Hey how are you ? and he replied with a huge smile and very loud voice, I am superb......... awesome....... fantastic.....and my expressions were like, Dude, what's wrong with you ? is everything OK ?
See this is the problem, being happy has become abnormal now a days...
Had he replied me, yeah, I am fine ! I wouldn't have felt different...but being happy means being different or what..
On 1st of January when I woke up I saw my maid standing beside my bed and looking at me..
I had hardly opened my eyes, still sitting on bed and she held my hand with both of hers, gave a huge smile and said "happy thanku happy thanku"....and that brought a big smile on my face too, hey aaji happy new year to you too....and her wish made my day, the words were not correct, neither were they great but the emotions were!! and that's what create magic.........that felt no lesser than the new year party...
Everyday while going to office I see one young boy, he brings different things everyday and try selling them on the road when signal is on.
On independence day he wore the tricolor dress, made a tattoo on his face and was running between the vehicles flawlessly.
I wondered who else here is celebrating and enjoying independance day as much as him.
You know, white collared people sitting in cars indifferent about what's going on outside. They will open their mouth only if some important business call comes up. They will drink nothing but packaged water, they wont walk in a road shop ever. They need complete package everywhere.
Even while liking people. People should come with a package. Complete package of success, richness,looks......ohh ohh, seems like I have distracted a bit from my point!
So talking about the boy. I noticed one thing that day, people who were buying the flag were not those rich people who talk all the time about how other countries are so much better than India, but they were poor or say middle class auto rickshaw and truck drivers, chai walas or people going on bicycles.....why is that so ? I am not really a cynic, to say that all rich people have no feelings left for country or something like that, but somewhere I feel we have stopped living naturally, we are afraid to do what our heart asks us or may be we don't even listen to it...we kind of hesitate to do the things that set us free, that tell the world, see I am a kid, I can go anywhere do anything without being bothered of what other people are thinking about me...will talk about this later let me finish with the boy
On Christmas he wore red cap and was singing the song and selling the caps...Jingle bells jingle bells..madam ek cap lelo Christmas hai....I never bought anything from him, thought I should, so asked how much...20 Rs only....jingle bells jingle bells...I checked my purse and found 500 Rs note in it. Felt sorry, he ran to get change from somewhere and the signal was green. I dint know what to do, whether to throw the cap or what. Couldn't ask the driver to wait too as it was office cab, I decided to keep the cap for that day and giving money to him the next day. He saw the cab moving and for the first time I saw sadness and anguish on his face. I realized what value this 20 Rs might hold to that boy. It might mean dinner for one night, it might mean taking his mom to the hospital or it might also mean money for his father to drink alcohol.
Whatever it is, his expressions were something that stayed in my heart and made me realize that these people.....they don't freak out when recession arrives, they don't care what Obama has got to give the world, they don't talk about improving India and Pakistan relationships. All they think is whether they will have one roti to eat at night or not, whether they will exist or not after the winter is gone...This 20 Rs doesn't mean anything to me, but it does to people like them....
Man, what exactly is the topic of this post...let me go back and see what is the title...ok found, the title is Feel Good...and I got carried away to this extent....but its no bad !! you know let it flow the way it is...that's natural...I won't edit it !!
The point is next day he was up again with all his energy, selling caps again without worrying or regretting about the 20 Rs he lost. I gave 25 Rs to him (adding interest rate for one day) and a stupendous happiness arrived on his face !!
So feel good about whatever you are, wherever you are and whoever you are with. Because all you should do is like yourself and the current moment, rest becomes good automatically....
The traffic police I see everyday, his job must be pathetic(except for the bribing part) inhaling CO2 all the time and seeing same vehicles going to and fro...
The bus conductor collecting tickets for the whole day...
still their jobs matter a lot to the world...
So when I see people or say myself until some days before,
being sad about working at a small position in a big company,
or sad about working at big positions but in small company...
All I want to say is feel good, because it's not your where you sit or what you eat stays with you but what stays is how you felt about it....and what that moment meant to you!!
Hey how are you ? and he replied with a huge smile and very loud voice, I am superb......... awesome....... fantastic.....and my expressions were like, Dude, what's wrong with you ? is everything OK ?
See this is the problem, being happy has become abnormal now a days...
Had he replied me, yeah, I am fine ! I wouldn't have felt different...but being happy means being different or what..
On 1st of January when I woke up I saw my maid standing beside my bed and looking at me..
I had hardly opened my eyes, still sitting on bed and she held my hand with both of hers, gave a huge smile and said "happy thanku happy thanku"....and that brought a big smile on my face too, hey aaji happy new year to you too....and her wish made my day, the words were not correct, neither were they great but the emotions were!! and that's what create magic.........that felt no lesser than the new year party...
Everyday while going to office I see one young boy, he brings different things everyday and try selling them on the road when signal is on.
On independence day he wore the tricolor dress, made a tattoo on his face and was running between the vehicles flawlessly.
I wondered who else here is celebrating and enjoying independance day as much as him.
You know, white collared people sitting in cars indifferent about what's going on outside. They will open their mouth only if some important business call comes up. They will drink nothing but packaged water, they wont walk in a road shop ever. They need complete package everywhere.
Even while liking people. People should come with a package. Complete package of success, richness,looks......ohh ohh, seems like I have distracted a bit from my point!
So talking about the boy. I noticed one thing that day, people who were buying the flag were not those rich people who talk all the time about how other countries are so much better than India, but they were poor or say middle class auto rickshaw and truck drivers, chai walas or people going on bicycles.....why is that so ? I am not really a cynic, to say that all rich people have no feelings left for country or something like that, but somewhere I feel we have stopped living naturally, we are afraid to do what our heart asks us or may be we don't even listen to it...we kind of hesitate to do the things that set us free, that tell the world, see I am a kid, I can go anywhere do anything without being bothered of what other people are thinking about me...will talk about this later let me finish with the boy
On Christmas he wore red cap and was singing the song and selling the caps...Jingle bells jingle bells..madam ek cap lelo Christmas hai....I never bought anything from him, thought I should, so asked how much...20 Rs only....jingle bells jingle bells...I checked my purse and found 500 Rs note in it. Felt sorry, he ran to get change from somewhere and the signal was green. I dint know what to do, whether to throw the cap or what. Couldn't ask the driver to wait too as it was office cab, I decided to keep the cap for that day and giving money to him the next day. He saw the cab moving and for the first time I saw sadness and anguish on his face. I realized what value this 20 Rs might hold to that boy. It might mean dinner for one night, it might mean taking his mom to the hospital or it might also mean money for his father to drink alcohol.
Whatever it is, his expressions were something that stayed in my heart and made me realize that these people.....they don't freak out when recession arrives, they don't care what Obama has got to give the world, they don't talk about improving India and Pakistan relationships. All they think is whether they will have one roti to eat at night or not, whether they will exist or not after the winter is gone...This 20 Rs doesn't mean anything to me, but it does to people like them....
Man, what exactly is the topic of this post...let me go back and see what is the title...ok found, the title is Feel Good...and I got carried away to this extent....but its no bad !! you know let it flow the way it is...that's natural...I won't edit it !!
The point is next day he was up again with all his energy, selling caps again without worrying or regretting about the 20 Rs he lost. I gave 25 Rs to him (adding interest rate for one day) and a stupendous happiness arrived on his face !!
So feel good about whatever you are, wherever you are and whoever you are with. Because all you should do is like yourself and the current moment, rest becomes good automatically....
The traffic police I see everyday, his job must be pathetic(except for the bribing part) inhaling CO2 all the time and seeing same vehicles going to and fro...
The bus conductor collecting tickets for the whole day...
still their jobs matter a lot to the world...
So when I see people or say myself until some days before,
being sad about working at a small position in a big company,
or sad about working at big positions but in small company...
All I want to say is feel good, because it's not your where you sit or what you eat stays with you but what stays is how you felt about it....and what that moment meant to you!!
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